Join Cate and Lars on a journey through five seasonal YoGA treats that build a full picture of Yin Yang Go Gyo, the guiding principle of Japanese Yoga.

" Hoshi is a life of giving. The fact that we are alive means that we are constantly receiving, thus we should in turn give back. However, we should integrate and develop what we have received before we in our turn pass this on to others. In a life of service, we must do everything with respect for others. Unconditional service is to act without expecting any reward, and without ideas as to like and dislike, gain and loss, or reluctance to the service we give. "
What a beautiful day of connection, seasonal poses, delicious food and yummy body work. Thank you for such a wonderfully nourishing day. I would also like to add that I have done a number of courses and your booklets are the most professional. It is such a wonderful reference guide for me with lots of really useful information covering what we practiced, learnt and ate plus other recipes too! Thanks Cate and Lars. I have truly loved all the workshops I’ve attended and can’t wait to attend those I haven’t.
I thoroughly loved your Winter yoga treat. It was so good to understand the body's tendency to hibernate in Winter is actually our natural rhythm to invoke deep internal focus. This was kind of liberating for me to realise it is ok to stop and be contemplative rather than always on the go. These treats are jam packed with so much great information including poses, seasonal nutrition followed by some beautiful partner body work. Thanks Cate and Lars. I have loved them all!
The biggest thing I got from the Autumn workshop was a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. I met some very lovely ladies whom I connected with and especially in the last part of the segment, I was partnered with a lady, and it was exactly what we both needed!! It was just a fascinating day of serendipity meeting all the right people. Ginny
Autumn Mosman 2016
The Winter Treat is the perfect preparation to make the best of the darker months. Challenged by the strong yoga poses, I felt more resilient and built internal energy. Intuitively following the need to rest, support and turn inward during this quieter time of year, the Winter Treat allows winter to be a restful yet still productive time. The food Lars prepared was delicious and it was wonderful to be given a green light to eat the warm, salty and fatty foods I crave at this time of year!